September 26, 2023

Headshot of Mason Claverie


Mason Claverie brings 12 years of experience in the Construction Industry to Moran Consultants, specializing in Commercial Construction, Financial Reviews, Industrial Environmental Project Manager & Custom Home Building. At Moran Consultants, he manages the Central United States Region of Consultants performing upfront Document & Cost Reviews, Construction Loan Monitoring Services & Post Construction Reviews.  Mason Claverie has successfully guided difficult Historic Tax credit, Low Income Housing Tax Credit & Market Rate projects from commencement to permanent financing. He also represents Moran on a yearly basis in Washington D.C. meeting with the Countries Leaders for Construction Tax Credits. Prior to joining Moran Consultants, Mason Claverie worked in the Industrial sector performing Environmental services along the Gulf Coast.

Outside of work, Mason Claverie enjoys training for Marathons, Ultra Marathons, Triathlons, along with spending time with his wife, two kids and dog Rocky. He is passionate about endurance sports, being a great follower, to learn and staying humble. Which will one day allow him to be a great leader for others to mentor from. In his spare time, Mason Claverie can often be found reading books, watching classic sitcoms & volunteering for the high school wrestling team.

Mason is available to complete projects in the following states.

Headshot of Mason Claverie