As a lender, you want to ensure that your resources are being spent wisely and work is progressing within a reasonable time frame. As your construction consultants, we work hard on your behalf to protect your investment. This includes working with contractors to:
- Evaluate the existing condition of the property
- Evaluate the immediate physical needs of the property
- Determine what the physical needs of the property will be over the term
- Recognize and report adverse property conditions
- Report deferred maintenance items
- Report life safety and accessibility issues
With this information, clients can receive a detailed picture of the needs of their property.
Established in 1968 as a general construction company, Moran Consultants evolved into strictly a consulting role in the late 1980s. With more than 50 years of experience in the industry, we understand what it takes to help our clients mitigate their risks and protect their investments. We have worked with clients across the United States on a diverse range of projects, including high-rise, entertainment, multi-family residential, office, retail buildings, and more. We have a track record of success when it comes to serving our clients, and we want to add an additional layer of protection to your next project as your construction consultant.
Call us at 866-553-2329 or contact us online to learn more and enjoy the peace of mind that our experienced consultants can provide you on your next project.